Style of Gravity
presents "TRAUM LEBEN"
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As nice and vivid dreams can be, as rough and unpleasant is reality of 2 young skiers. They are fighting with obstacles of everyday life; nevertheless they are not loosing their passion in skiing. In their own unique way they manage to fulfill their own ski dream... from a dram evolves reality...
Duration: 24 Minutes The movie is in german with english subtitles.
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Ein Film von: Christoph Hoerner, Daniel Feichtinger und Ulrich Drechsler. Produzenten: Style of Gravity; Christoph Hoerner, Armin Buchroithner
Österreich 2010/Rider: Daniel Feichtinger, Christoph
Hoerner /Location: in Bad Gastein, Obertauern, am
Kitzsteinhorn, Salzburg und am Mölltaler Gletscher, Kärnten / Sprache: Deutsch / Untertitel: Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch / Dauer: 24 min / Regionencode: keiner |